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Miles away were the godowns of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) - full
of grain, some of it rotting and a feast for rats.
This is the spectre of starving India.
In 1988, in the case of Kishen Patnaik, when starvation deaths were
brought to the notice of the Apex Court, the court accepted the assurances
of the Government of Orissa that the situation would be looked into, and
hoped that starvation deaths would cease. Ten years later, another
petition was filed, detailing hundreds of starvation deaths. In 2001,
when Kavita Srivastava of the People's Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL),
Rajasthan, filed a petition, the condition of the people had not changed.
No will to Act
Why is it that with 60 million tonnes of grain in surplus of the buffer
stock, India still has hunger on this scale? Why are half of India's
children malnourished? No answer. Shanta Kumar, the minister responsible,
remains unruffled despite widespread condemnation. And the Prime Minister
appeared on television recently to say that the reports of starvation
deaths are false and politically motivated.
All this in a situation where it has been calculated that it is cheaper to
give grain away free to the poor than to transport and store it! A
compassionate court would have none of that. It found it incomprehensible
that a litigant would have to move the highest court merely for a
direction to government to implement its own schemes.
"Cut the flab somewhere else", said the Court when confronted with the
argument that the states had no funds to feed hungry children.
Schemes in disarray
The British evolved a Famine Code which ensured that anyone needing food
in a famine area had only to turn up at a work site - a road, a school
building, a watershed management programme - to get work. At the end of
the day, she would get half of her wages in grain. Famine records show
that the prompt implementation of food for work programmes reduced hunger
and prevented starvation deaths. For those unable to work - the old,
infirm and disabled - there was a dole of fifty paise per day.
Fifty years after Independence, this Famine Code is in disuse and the
elaborate procedure laid down for tackling famines disregarded. The
watered-down remedy - the Employment Assurance Scheme - provided for
employment for two family members on food for work projects for 100 days
in a year. This was never implemented. And recently, the Prime Minister
announced from the Red Fort that the scheme was being upgraded and renamed
the Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana. This 'upgraded' scheme provided work
for only ten days in a year!
The ration card system, the only mechanism in place to feed the poor, is
in disarray. In India's capital, the identification of Below Poverty Line
(BPL) families started after the court case and there were many complaints
of corruption in the issuing of forms.
The Midday Meal Scheme, introduced as far back as 1995 and requiring a
cooked meal to be given to all children in government and
government-assisted schools, was implemented fully only in Tamilnadu.
The Delhi government only gave a few biscuits to its schoolchildren.
The Annapoorna Scheme, which provides grain to the poorest of the poor at
Rs. 2 per kg was also not implemented. The beneficiaries of the National
Old Age Pension Scheme usually received their pensions six months late if
at all.
No wonder that the Comptroller & Auditor General, in his Year 2000 Report,
found significant systematic weaknesses in the fair price shop system. He
found the reports of employment generated not genuine. The Employment
Assurance Scheme, which promised a hundred days of food for work, in
practice provided only nine days of work. Scarce resources were lost in
the labyrinth of a slothful administrative system. The report found
one-fifth of rural households facing the prospect of hunger. Forty
percent of all households did not get two square meals a day. Concluding,
the Computer & Auditor General found serious flaws in design, execution
and monitoring of the schemes.
A study conducted by the Tata Economic Consultancy Services found a large
number of bogus ration shops, and 30 per cent of the grain being diverted.
Supreme Court Orders
The court directed that the targeted public distribution system be fully
implemented by January 2002 and that all governments complete their
identification of BPL families, issue ration cards and distribute 25 kg of
grain per family per month by that date.
A similar order was passed for the Antyodaya Anna Yojana scheme, under
which the poorest of the poor get grain at Rs. 2 per kg. The Supreme
Court directed that the governments should consider giving the grain free
to people who are too poor to buy it. It directed governments to provide
a cooked midday meal in all government and government-assisted schools.
It directed governments to implement the National Old Age Pension Scheme
fully by January 2002 and to make payments of pension by the seventh of
each month.
Similarly directions were made in respect of the Annapoorna Scheme, the
Integrated Child Development Scheme, the National Maternity Benefit Scheme
and the National Family Benefit Scheme.
The last order is dated 8.5.02. In this order the gram panchayats have
been empowered to frame the Food-for-Work schemes, wherein special
emphasis is to be given for the poor, women and dalits. Contractors are
prohibited. The gram sabhas are also empowered to conduct a social audit
of all the food and employment schemes and to report instances of misuse
of funds. On such reports being made, the authorities are required to
punish the guilty.
The gram sabhas are also empowered to monitor the implementation of the
various schemes and to have access to relevant information as to how
beneficiaries are selected and how benefits are disbursed. A grievance
redressal procedure is set out in this order. Complaints of non
implementation of the Supreme Court's order is to be made to the CEO /
Collector and these complaints are to be acknowledged with a receipt.
Ultimately, it is the Chief Secretary who is made responsible. Dr. N.C.
Saxena, former Planning Secretary and Mr. S.R. Shankaran, former
Secretary, Rural Development have been appointed as commissioners of the
Supreme Court for the purpose of looking into people's grievances. The
Supreme Court has also directed government to frame clear guidelines for
the proper identification of BPL families as there were complaints that
this criteria is neither clear nor uniform. Ration shops have been
directed to remain open throughout the month during fixed hours, the
details of which should be displayed on notice board.
Most officials do not know of the schemes in their own jurisdiction. There
is no way for people in a village to know what schemes they are entitled
to. The order of the Court in the Rajasthan PUCL case will hopefully
change the situation for the better. A translated copy of the Supreme
Court order and the list of the beneficiaries of each scheme are to be
displayed on every gram panchayat notice board and in schools. Doordarshan
and AIR are to publicise the schemes.
All said and done, even with the Apex Court order, the level of compliance
will go up to, say, 35 per cent. Hunger will remain institutionalised. As
along as priorities do not change, half of India's population will be kept
deliberately hungry by State policy. Only a revolution can change that.
Madhura Swaminathan in her recent publication Weakening Welfare has
studied the Public Distribution System (PDS) in India. Noticing that food
deprivation and insecurity persists on a mass scale, she concludes that
this situation of mass deprivation is likely to worsen in the current
context of "liberalisation, structural adjustment and the weakening of
welfare systems". She argues that there is need to expand and strengthen -
not undermine or disband the PDS system. She has identified 'targeting' as
a dangerous policy introduced as a mechanism to ultimately close down the
PDS. This part of the article is largely taken from her book.
History of Public Distribution System
The Spectre of Mass Hunger
A shift is noticed from cereals to other food items of lesser nutrition
among the poor. The National Sample Survey data, shows that per capita
consumption of cereals declined in every state except Kerala.
A commonly used indicator of undernourishment is Body Mass Index (BMI).
This is the ratio of weight (kg) to the square of height (m). 18.5 is
normal. Using this indicator, Shetty and James found 46% of persons
chronically deficient in 1991-1992.
Severe undernourishment was observed among 9%. In other words one half of
the population in the country is malnourished. Of these 53% of children
were found to be undernourished and 21% severally undernourished.
Poverty Line Excludes Many Hungry Persons
The original standard for the definition of the poor was thrice the food
expenditure as it was shown that poor families spend 1/3 of their
expenditure on food. Any household that spends more than 1/3 of its income
on food is considered poor in the United States and eligible for food
stamps. If this standard is used in India 95% of all households would be
considered poor. If one uses the China standard of food share of 60%, then
80% of the rural population and 60% of the urban population would be poor.
Thus in India, the top 20% of the population can be excluded from systems
of food security.
When there is mass hunger the weight attached to every undernourished
person who is wrongly excluded should be much higher than the weight
attached to a rich person who benefits from the scheme.
The conclusion drawn by Swaminathan is that the proportion of persons
suffering deprivations in food and nutrition is
higher than those below the poverty line. For example 37% of urban
household were BPL in 1993-94 while 80% of households were calorie
If the objective of PDS is food security then it should also look at those
facing the risk of undernourishment. While anthropometric measures suggest
50% adults are undernourished, 70% of households are deficient in food
Decline in Per Capita Offtake
There are sharp regional variations in total and per capita offtake. Some
of the southern states, Andhra Pradesh,Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka,
accounted for almost one half of the PDS offtake of grain in the country.
By contrast the four northern states Bihar, Madhya Pradesh , Rajasthan
and Uttar Pradesh accounted for only 10% in 1995. Kerala was undoubtably
the leader with a fair system of public delivery. The average per capita
offtake was 53.3 kg. per year as compared to 2.3 kg. in Bihar and 4.6 in
Madhya Pradesh.
The most striking feature of immediate post structural adjustment
(1991-1995) was the widerspread decline in per capita offtake.
In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in 1987, 98% of the rural population did not
purchase any grain from PDS. In Kerala by contrast, 87% of the population
purchased grain from PDS. The data indicated that PDS was not serving the
vast majority of the country's population and that there was a near total
collapse of the PDS system in Bihar and some northern states.
Corruption and Maladministration
In Thane district in Maharashtra, Swaminathan found that ration cards of
scheduled tribes showed full offtake though the tribes had not purchased
food from the ration shops. Other researches have found bogus ration
cards, poor quality grains and short weighing of foods. Researchers have
estimated that only 17% of the wheat lifted from the FCI by the state
governments reaches the final consumer in Bihar!
Insufficient supply of grains was the most important reason given for not
using PDS. 40% did not buy grain because there was none to be bought.
Targets, Food stamps and other rackets: Sabotaging the PDS
In recent times advisors to the G.O.I. and the World Bank have suggested a
shift from PDS to a system of food stamps or coupons. Such advice
generally ignores not only the experience of other countries but also
the inherent difficulties in implementing such a system. Swaminathan
points out that a food stamp system entails extensive book keeping,
revalidating of coupons and the possibility of fraud by the counterfeiting
of coupons.
Two major moves were made by government of India to sabotage the PDS
system; in all probability with the nudging of the WB and the IMF. The
first came in 1992 with the Revamped PDS (RPDS) and the second in 1997
with Targetted PDS (TPDS). This comes together with another major policy
shift in the 1990's away from the agricultural strategy of self
sufficiency in food grains production.
In many tribal areas poor families were excluded
from the Public Distribution System if they
stated that they ate meat!
Swaminathan's study of the revamped and targetted PDS found that
entitlements were lower in the revamped PDS areas than under general PDS.
She found that retail prices in PDS shops in Maharashtra were the highest
in the country and rising faster than at the national level. As a result
quantities of grain sold were falling since 1991. Targetting had replaced
the per capita norm by the family norm. Using the poverty line resulted in
misidentification of households and mistargetting.
Moghe in his study of Maharashtra found that when targetted PDS was
announced there were 60 lakhs households, according to the central
government, eligible for BPL category. The state restricted this number to
43 lakhs.
In slums, households were classified as BPL or APL on the basis of a few
queries resulting in absurdly low numbers. In Dharavi, Asia's largest slum
with a population of 0.5 million, the Rationing Control Officer identified
only 365 BPL families in 1997 and after 're-checks' the number fell to 151
in 1999!
Amartaya Sen's support for the movement to save the PDS is crucial. His support would mean much. His position however is not clear. There are broadly two camps. The pro-PDS and anti-PDS. Both speak of concern for the poor, so the debate can be confusing. The pro-PDS camp (anti globalisation)