CURRENT AFFAIRS RIGHTS FOR UNWED MOTHERS DNA BILL EDUCATION SCHOOL EDUCATION POWER AND ENERGY ELECTRICITY CONUNDRUM The Southern region of India is expected to face high energy deficit this year while the Western and Eastern region will have a surplus of energy generation. Kannan Kasturi explains why such regional skew in energy generation and energy consumption exists and what it will take to resolve it. PEOPLE MUMBAI KOLIWADAS OP-ED CIVIL MILITARY RELATIONS TRIBAL LIVES MAGIC OF WADI MATRILINEAL TRIBES |

Are we celebrating too much too soon? | The DNA Bill is a recipe for disaster | When schools and parents clash
As India celebrates her 69th year of Independence, we take a look at the ramifications of the Supreme Court's ruling on allowing an unwed mother to be the sole guardian of the child without the consent of the child's father, a dissent note on the final draft of the Human DNA Profiling Bill which the government wanted to pass in the latest parliament session, why the modern parents and the school authorities lack mutual trust and respect, the conundrum of energy deficit and energy surplus in different parts of India, how the old fishing villages in Mumbai are in danger of disappearing, and more.
14 August 2015 -
14 Aug 2015
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