A sea-change has taken place in the Bangalore Mahanagara Palike's accounting process, thanks to the implementation of the Fund Based Accounting System (FBAS). The main advantage of FBAS is that it allows objective oriented accounting that can be tailor-made for an organisation. A municipality's finances can be organized around three categories of funds which directly corresponding to its three areas of activity. Governmental & social (obligatory), fiduciary (activities performed as an agency of other bodies like state governments) and commercial (proprietary/capital maintenance). The BMP has switched to a system that has these categories organized as separate funds. This brings in many advantages.

Implementing FBAS in the BMP has been no cakewalk. It has required a thorough understanding of the way the BMP works and working together in association with all its departments. What has happened is a process flow reorganisation. Systems and formats have been redesigned to meet modern demands. We have been successful in our endeavour because we came in with the belief that we will build on what exists. Working in partnership with the BMP and using appropriate technology has been the key, says Prasad.
Working in partnership with the BMP, the FBAS team has put in place a robust system that will make much difference to the municipal bodys functioning. The onerous task has been undertaken by a dedicated team, now headed by T S Prasad, which has worked round-the-clock putting in about 3,25,000 man-hours since March 2000 to ensure a smooth transition. An initiative of the Bangalore Agenda Task Force, (BATF) the implementation has been entrusted to Chennai based NCR Consultants Ltd.
While the transition to FBAS is complete, the changeover to the accrual system of accounting from the cash system, which the BMP has been following all these years, is in the final stages and will be completed by 2004. A series of workshops and sensitisation programmes for people at the top level upto the fourth level at the BMP, has smoothened the way. Reflecting on the whole process, the team concurs that it has been gruelling but are satisfied that the BMP is indeed using FBAS for its day-to-day requirements, making the whole endeavour worthwhile. As of today, the BMP is the only city corporation in the country to have switched to funds based accounting.
The Namma Budget teams progress
PROOF core group members with the BMP commissioner
The Namma Budget team has met with some BMP engineers to understand the aspects involved in the preparation of the budget. Subsequently, they met the Commissioner Mr Srinivas Murthy with more questions on the BMP budgetary process. After a bit more groundwork they hope to prepare a preliminary report on the study done so far and present it to the PROOF partners for their evaluation and comments. The Namma Budget endeavour is important as it will create greater awareness of the significance and importance the budget plays in the day to day activities of the BMP and thereby the city.