Groups questioning mining in Kudremukh![]() There are several groups, large and small, forest-based and city-based which are questioning mining in Kudremukh. This site will soon be updated with their contact information. Environment Support Group© Working since 1996 and formally established in 1998, Environment Support Group (ESG) is an independent non-profit non-governmental organisation, registered under the Indian Trusts Act. ESG believes in promoting a pattern of development that is socially just, economically viable, ecologically sustainable, politically participatory and culturally sensitive. ESG has worked with a wide range of organisations and coalitions at the local, regional, national and international levels in a variety of collaborations. Collaborations include those with the United Nations Environment Program, World Commission on Dams, Right to Information Network, National Law School of India University, various local Government bodies and, supporting Public Interest Litigations by various community organisations. A quest for transparency, accountability and technical competence by all parties whether they be citizens, government or corporate bodies and officials underlies this work. Examples of ESG's work and achievements include:
This is just a sample of ESG's work. ESG is also extensively involved in legal and environmental workshops and education, media campaigns on public interest issues and the international NGO campaign to reform export credit agencies. ESG receives financial support from individuals and foundations, and consists of individuals with qualifications, experience and expertise in Ecology, Environmental Science, Botany, Law, and Social Science. Environment Support Group© may be contacted at:S-3, Rajashree Apartments 18/57, 1st Main Road S. R K. Gardens Jayanagar, Bannerghatta Road Bangalore 560 041 INDIA. Telefax: 91-80-6341977 Fax: 91-80-6723926 (PP) Email: Website: |